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Patrick Davis for HanaByte blog on SASE

How SASE Can Benefit You

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a “cloud architecture model that combines network and security-as-a-service functions together and delivers them as a single cloud service.” (Fortinet Cyberglossary) This solution allows hybrid organizations and their hybrid or remote workers to benefit from corporate security mechanisms anywhere they might be located, securely extending the network edge.

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hanabyte blog, aws, reinvent, aws partner select tier
Cloud Security

HanaByte’s AWS re:Invent 2023 Round-Up

In this article, we will highlight some of our favorite announcements! The HanaByte team is very grateful for the opportunity to attend re:Invent in person, and had a lot of fun while covering some great new announcements.

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hanabyte blog, snowflake, haabyte, Patrick Davis
Cloud Security

Decoupling Security Data with Snowflake

By harnessing the power of a security data lake on a data platform like Snowflake, you can leverage near-infinitely scalable compute and storage capacity to change the story. With Snowflake’s ecosystem, you can ingest security data in any format and store it together.

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